Serving Greensboro, North Carolina, and Washington DC

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(828) 260-6045



Our lives are full of change... whether in our careers, our families, our health or our life's direction. Perhaps the change is in our life's focus, wanting to have a life that has more meaning or perhaps one that offers more adventure or more time with family. We face challenging, rewarding, heartbreaking and even life-giving transitions.



As a life coach, it is my job and my great pleasure to help you clarify your life circumstances, identify your options and develop your own plan for change.

After 30 years as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I am now in a different chapter in my own life, that of a Certified Life Coach. My particular focus is helping people who are dealing with life transitions. As a coach, I greatly value working with people experiencing transitions, people facing their own next chapters, the next season of their lives.

Just as there are seasons in nature, there are seasons in our lives. In either nature or life, it is important to have some awareness of what we can anticipate as each new season unfolds.

Transitions can be unwelcome and intimidating times, especially if caused by an unexpected loss. These times can also provide opportunities to learn, grow, and give, to pursue a new skill or dust off an old one. Recognizing and taking advantage of your particular opportunities will be challenging and require a plan of action to be most effective. I value the process of crafting that plan with you and assisting you as you set out on the next stage in life's journey.

Moving from one chapter in our lives, from one season to another, is inevitable. What is not inevitable is the nature of the process itself. Being able to have some insight about what is happening and what we can do about what is happening can often be invaluable.

There are so many things we do not know about the nature of change; however, one thing we do know is that it can be very, very helpful to have someone with whom we can discuss what is going on. I would love to be that person for you.

Please contact me for a free 30 minute session where we can discuss the coaching process.

Serving Greensboro, North Carolina and Washington DC

Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. | Photos by Peggy Knox